Showing posts with label Urban Gardening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Urban Gardening. Show all posts

Gardening inside the Greenhouse

By Ahmed Hajouj.

Most homes have a front lawn or a backyard with trees and grass. The person can easily make a few changes then it will be better than it was before.  A good hobby that some individuals have taken in the spare time is gardening and the same thing can be done if one decides to have a greenhouse.

The first thing that needs to be done is assess the area where the greenhouse will be. If there is not that much space in putting a free standing version, then perhaps attaching the greenhouse to the home is a good idea.

The first thing to be done is to measure the area. The greenhouse should have enough sunlight for the plants and shade when it gets too hot. This can be done by making some observations at different times of the day.

The home may be affected by the cold climate or the heat during the summer. Preparations need to be done to install and heater and a ventilation system which could to counter the threat and make the flowers grow in the greenhouse. 

The kind of heater to be used for a greenhouse can be powered by electricity since the area isn’t that big. Getting something like those that use oil or gas may only be needed if the structure is expanded.

Both systems will provide the gardener sufficient oxygen and carbon dioxide that is needed for the plant to grow. 

Another way of giving plants enough space to grow is the type of panels used for the greenhouse. Since plants need sunlight to grow, the type of material used for the windows and ceiling are important.

Traditionally, glass can do the job but some studies have shown that too much sunlight passes through and kills the plants. To avoid this, panels made of film, plastic or Plexiglas is much better.

The greenhouse should also use the ideal kind of flowers that will survive the climate. The person can ask the sales representative at the gardening store or look at the label posted on each plant before buying and bringing it home. 

When everything is ready, the person has two options. The first is draw the design then go to a supplier who can do that or go directly to the contractor to make a drawing then have it made.

If the person doesn’t have an idea where to start, one can look at how the other people who do this as a hobby in the neighborhood do it. The person can also visit the arboretum or look at gardening magazines just to get an idea what kind of greenhouse is best for the home. 

The soil in that part of the house should be prepared before construction is under way. Basically, this is just to enclose the area so it is alright if there are plants in the site already.  

The greenhouse can later be improved to not only have soil but have water at all times that will enhance the plants growth. This technique which is done by farmers to increase crop production is called hydroponics farming. 

When the gardener, has enough money, soil can be changed to water channels that release water mixed with nutrients to the plants. There are various ways to do this and doing some research on the way this can be implanted will get the gardener moving on the right track. 

Another thing needed to properly work in the greenhouse is having the right equipment. This can easily be purchased at the local gardening store and these should be stored properly when not in use.

It will be a good idea to have this locked to prevent children from playing with it and accidents from happening. 

Gardening doesn’t always have to be done by a professional. The person can do in a creative way to make the house stand out. By doing some research first before having it installed, the place will really look great when construction has been completed. 

By knowing the proper techniques in maintaining the greenhouse and planting the right flowers, this place will be another room that will really make the individual feel at home.

Keeping The Weeds Out A Must

By Ahmed Hajouj.

One of the evils naturally attending any landscape endeavor is the fact that weeds need to be taken care of. There are plenty of ways to keep the weeds out, but chances are that at some point you are going to have to do some weeding. Even the best herbicides and the best-laid plastic liners are not full proof. Inevitably it will be necessary to pull weeds by hands. But by making sure that you remove the offending plants, you will have a better-looking landscape over all, and can maintain a well-groomed yard.

The proper way to weed by hand involves getting close to the weeds. This means getting down on your hands and knees and using your hands or maybe a small handheld tool to remove the weeds. Getting close to the weeds allows you to attack each individually while causing very little, if any, harm to your more desirable plants. Additionally, while you are down there, you might as well look at your plants to ensure that they are in good health. Weeding can serve two purposes: getting rid of interlopers and allowing you to be aware of problems to your own plants before it is too late.

You should pull even the smallest of the weeds. It is easier to pull them when they are small. Their roots are less developed, and they have less chance to wreak havoc on your own plants. After all, a weed takes moisture and nutrients that are intended for you plant and then hogs them for itself. If you get the weed when it is small, then it does not have ample time to weaken your plants. It is best to the pull the entire weed out, including roots. Merely snipping them at the base leaves the main problem still in the ground. You can us a small trowel to help you get under the weed. It also helps to water your garden a few hours before hand to help the soil give a little.

Pulling weeds early in the day will help you, as it is cooler and you can start the day off with some invigorating exercise. You should weed regularly, once or twice a week. You could weed every day, but many people do not have time for that. But by setting a regular weeding schedule, you can make it part of your weekly routine and make sure that small weeds do not grow into large, ugly monsters. Dead weeds can be added to the compost heap, as they do not decompose into more weeds. They merely break down into helpful organic material.

Another thing that can help keep weeds down is mulch. Mulch keeps weeds out and it retains moisture in your garden. It is possible to use plastic mulch, and this will almost entirely keep all weeds out. However, it will not return nutrients to your soil, nor is it environmentally friendly. Organic mulch, created from the compost pile, can keep weeds down as long as it is applied thickly. Any weeds that do happen to poke through the mulch are very easy to pull. Paper can be used in mulch, as long as you let it sit in the compost pile with everything else, and it adds extra weed protection. Organic mulch is environmentally friendly, and it acts as a natural fertilizer. Effective composting practices can save you a great deal of money in your landscaping efforts.

Of course, it is possible to use weed killers and herbicides to get rid of weeds in your landscape, or to keep them out. They make use of chemicals and are often the fastest way to get rid of weeds. They are very effective: often the most effective ways to get rid of weeds. Additionally, they require very little effort to apply. It is important, however, to be careful. The chemicals are harmful and if improperly applied can damage your plants. They can also cause you trouble. Be sure that all weed killers and herbicides you use are legal and approved by the government. And read the labels to ensure that you apply them properly and that you utilize proper protection to yourself, as some of the chemicals are harmful if you breathe them in or if they come in contact with your skin.

Maintaining Your Roses

By Julia Robertson

While it is true that you will spend more time on rose maintenance than most other plants, the care you give them during the growing season can be done easily while simply enjoying the blooms. Many people choose not to grow roses because they believe that they entail too much work.

Following these simple steps will make your roses beautiful and keep the plants healthy.

Fertilize your plants every three weeks during active blooming with a complete fertilizer formulated for roses. Roses need a balanced diet, as do most plants. You will want to choose fertilizer with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This is often made easier by simply choosing one of the many brands of rose food available at any home and garden center.

Watch closely for pests and diseases and react quickly to destroy them. Black-spot, mildew, and blight together with insects, such as Japanese beetles, are some of the more troublesome rose disease and insect problems. Control is easy and prevention is practical with the regular use of chemicals that controls most fungal diseases and detrimental insects. Use pesticides labeled for roses as needed and weekly fungicide applications to control powdery mildew and black spot. Always apply according to label directions.

If you do not care to use pesticides on your plants there are organic methods for dealing with many insects. Pesticides do not differentiate between the good bugs and the bad ones and you do not want to kill beneficial insects. There are organic soaps available for purchase that will deal with most insects. You can also purchase beneficial insects at your local nursery like the praying mantis or lady bugs.

Roses require about an inch of water per week per bush. Watering bushes during dry periods will ensure continuous flowering during the growing season. Drip irrigation is best to water slowly, thoroughly, and deeply without wetting foliage.

This can be accomplished by purchasing soaker hoses. These hoses are snaked through your rose bed, preferably under the mulch to hide the hose, and attached to a regular hose when watering. This way watering is a simply matter of just turning on the spigot once a week. Keep the plants mulched with pine needles or bark to conserve water, cool the soil and discourage weeds.

Remove spent blooms to keep plants blooming and encourage new growth. Cut flowers regularly to enjoy inside as well. Practice disbudding to encourage the growth of larger blooms. Disbudding is the early removal of bloom buds. This practice removes the competition for nutrients to the buds that remain.

On Hybrid Tea roses, you will see that the terminal bud is the first to form. This is the bud on the very tip of the stem. Shortly after, secondary buds are formed around the terminal bud. Removal of these secondary buds early on sends the rose’s energy to the terminal bud producing the larger bloom.

The removal of these secondary buds should be done early in their development. You simply pinch them off with your fingers.

When walking through your rose garden, look for any diseased canes, dead wood, and/or suckers. Cut these away anytime they occur, but do not prune severely in the summer.

Finally, pull out any weeds as soon as you see them. Once different weeds get established in your garden, they can be difficult to control. I would advise to never use any type of weed killer – regardless of what the commercials may say – around your roses.

The roots are very close to the surface and even the most careful application can result in the death of half of your favorite bush. It is an avoidable nightmare.

Japanese Maples The Dwarf Acers

I have been known to rant on about how people should try to include more native plants within their garden. However, I would never dissuade someone from including a Japanese maple within his or her garden; on the contrary, I would heartily recommend it.

History and colour

The image of a Japanese maple in full leaf brings to my mind images of oriental calmness, still water and moss covered mountains. This elegant plant is a distinct part of the culture and consciousness of its native Japan through its use in both horticulture and art. In the year 1800, over 200 varieties of this plant were noted in Japan, this figure grew over the next 100 years, only to have those numbers knocked back again to 200 by the maelstrom of the second world war. Japanese maples also known as Acer palmatum or Acer japonicum are diminutive in stature compared to other trees. Heights range from 1 metre to 7 metres, leading many gardeners to class them as large shrubs rather than small trees. Words cannot do justice to the colour displayed by a Japanese maple; it must be seen to be believed. An Acer owner will experience fiery new spring growth, calm summer foliage and even fierier autumn chilled leaves.

Palmate or Dissectum

There are two main groups of Japanese maple. The “Palmate” group has a reasonably upright growth habit with layered branches and leaves that are made up of five to nine lobes. The “Dissectum” group rightly lives up to its name with its lobed leaves dissected, feathered and lace-like. I feel that the maples in the “Dissectum” group look particularly well if planted close by an informal water feature due mainly to their weeping, cascading form.

How to grow a dwarf acer

Japanese maples do well if planted in an east facing aspect, allowing it access to the morning sun and protecting it from the mid-day sun. Shelter from winds and a moist but free draining soil are also important cultivation requirements. A 7cm layer of bark mulch applied to the plants base will help prevent the plant drying out. To enable good growth you must feed your little piece of the orient, apply a liquid fertiliser in mid-spring and again in mid-summer at half strength. As these Acers are shallow rooted, they are ideal for planting amongst other shrubs with no check to growth. For a delightful oriental scene, try planting Acer palmatum with rhododendrons, azalea, bamboo and birch.

Specimens for container growing

Two beautiful specimen maples whose leaves are opening out within garden centres now are “Orange Dream” and “Beni-Maiko”. “Orange Dream” is worth mentioning due to its fresh yellow/green lobed leaves. The young growing tips have an orange glow, providing an attractive contrast. “Beni-Maiko” on the other hand produces lovely pink foliage in spring turning to dark red in summer. Both of these Acers grow to around 1 metre tall, an ideal size for container growing. If you choose to grow a Japanese maple in a container, try to select one that is sympathetic to the plants heritage, a glazed oriental style pot would be ideal.

Soil Plus Compost Equals Lush Healthy Plants

By Ahmed Hajouj.

You find that your plants are giving you fits in your landscape because it seems like a parade of weeds, insects or diseases have invaded and taken over. The problem is probably not due to insects or diseases but the poor soil that the plants are in. This poor soil is the major cause of invading insects and/or plant diseases.

With the poor soil comes weak and unhealthy plants that are more likely to get insect or disease problems. By improving the soil with compost, either before or after planting, will create a big difference. Anytime is a great time to add compost.

Compost is made of rich organic matter, which is crucial to growing healthy and fruitful plants. It is the result of a natural process of decay and recycling of materials such as leaves and twigs. In every corner of the world, in every meadow, forest and wetland composting is taking place. By copying this process, our plants will reap the benefits also.

The major benefit of compost is that it binds water and nutrients in reserve, freeing them when plants need it the most. It holds double its weight in water, hence cutting back the need to water and increasing a plants capacity for our dry months.

Utilizing compost is an inexpensive way to better the soil. Compost cuts the need to fertilize since it’s rich in plant nutrients and slowly discharges them over time. And by not having to replace plants every year and the costs connected with plants that die because of poor soils.

Humic acid is a plant-growth stimulant found in compost. Vegetable crops tests show that humic acid, even in low concentrations, produces healthy, lush plants.

Creating compost is an easy task. With all of the grass clippings, twigs and leaves from the yard, fall is a good time to make a compost pile. There are several ways to make compost. Even if you buy a compost bin or build one from wood pallets, here are several tips to help you get going.

1. A compost pile should be approximately 3 feet tall and 3 feet wide. This measurement is ideal for getting the pile to heat up.

2. All items going into the compost pile should be wet. When the yard waste is dry when added, it will reduce the decomposition process.

3. Layers of the yard waste should be applied, that is, a layer of grass clippings then a layer of leaves and so on.

4. To turn a compost pile is not a absolute necessay task unless you are in a hurry. By turning the compost pile it will accelerate the decomposition process. 

5. The finished product compost can be applied to a new or an established garden or landscape. If you are still planning your project, be sure to add plenty of compost onto your soil before you plant. The compost, over time, will integrate itself with your existing soil. Therefore, no need to till or dig up the place you are improving. 

It doesn’t make any difference if your soil is sandy, clay, or rock; adding compost will improve it.

To top dress an established landscape, you can add a layer of compost on top of the existing soil. If you have established plants, add 1 – 2 inches of compost all around the plant. The plants will still get the benefits of the humic acid and other important plant nutrients abundantly found in compost. 

The plants and landscape will reward you with a lush, healthy growth. Additionally, it will step-up your plants’ natural resistance to insects and diseases. This method is nothing but back to basics.

Sprucing Up Your Garden With Solar

By Ahmed Hajouj.

Fountains are a popular addition to most landscaped yards. Solar fountains give you the benefit of traditional fountains without running up your electrical bill every month. 

Sprucing Up Your Garden With Solar 

Mention solar power and people get an image of large, bulky solar panels on the roof of a home. This stereotypical view is really incorrect as large panel systems are now going the way of the dodo bird. Current solar technology is all about small size and unique applications. Heck, they even make them for kayaks now.

Solar fountains may sound like a fairly complex landscape addition. They really aren’t. Solar technology has advanced to the point where most landscaping items are now best run on solar technology. This includes solar lighting used for paths, overhead lighting, bird deterrents and general ambience. 

At their root, solar fountains are incredibly simple pieces of machinery. The solar aspect of the piece is simple the power generation for the pump. Practically all solar fountains look the same as regular fountains. The energy source is simply a small panel system either connected directly to the fountain or placed in a location that gets plenty of sun. The type of system is dependent upon the amount of flow you want to move with the pump. 

Solar fountains range from incredibly simple to complex applications. You can buy floating solar pads that you simply put in a pool. The panels look like black pads and power a small pump that sucks content out of the pool. More sophisticated solar fountains include entirely contained systems as well as systems that move massive amounts of the pool from low points on your property to higher areas where gravity takes over. There really is something for everyone in this area. 

Much like solar lighting, solar fountains are a cost saving addition to your landscaping and provide soothing ambience. Plenty of quality models exist, so give them a look.

Grow Your Own Organic Vegetable Garden

By Ahmed Hajouj.

Organic systems recognize that our health is directly connected to the health of the food we eat and, ultimately, the health of the soil.

Here are some of the main features of organic growing:

- Organic growing severely restricts the use of artificial chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

- Instead, organic growers rely on developing a healthy, fertile soil and growing a mixture of crops.

- Genetically modified (GM) crops and ingredients are not allowed under organic standards.

Going organic may mean that you have to make a trade-off between glossy, same same supermarket looks with better tasting crops that aren’t perfect in shape or size, but many gardeners think this is a price worth paying. You’ll be able to grow different crops that are always relatively expensive to buy in supermarkets and at farmers markets and, growing your own vegetables is both fun and rewarding.

Among the many things an organic vegetable garden may offer towards a satisfying experience are fresh air, exercise, sunshine, knowledge, supplemental income, mental therapy, and fresh food, rich in vitamins and minerals, harvested at the best stage of maturity.

You can easily make compost from garden and kitchen waste, although this is a bit more time consuming, you will also make cost savings, because you do not need to buy costly chemical fertilizers and pesticides with organic gardening.

Where animal manures are available, they are probably the best source of fertilizer and organic matter for the organic gardener. Use manure which has been aged for at least 30 days if possible, or composted. I am often out in the road if any horses have gone past gathering the manure for the garden. Its looks a bit odd to the teenagers on the street but the dung is worth it!

If you have space for a few pots, or a small space in the garden or even an allotment, it is a wise decision to grow your own organic vegetable garden. To better care for your health, grow your own organic vegetables -and a few pots is all you need at a minimum.

If you have a surplus you can sell these and you will be contributing to the ‘go local’ food movement which is flourishing – over 15% of people buy organic food locally and this number continues to rise as the number of farmer’s markets, box schemes, cafes and restaurants serving organic food increase. GuideMeGreen helps you to find locally produced foods which are fresher, healthier and more economical. It cuts down on transport costs and ‘food miles’ where an average shopping basket can include fruit and vegetables transported from all over the world. Even in the UK or USA food is transported from the farm, to the packing centre, then to distribution centre before arriving at the supermarket to be bought which is then transported by car home!

Planning for desert landscaping

If you live in a dry and arid climate then your desert landscaping is going to take a little more planning than some other parts of the country. desert landscaping will have to work with a plan that includes only plants and trees that can survive with much less water than some other plants. There is no point in planting something if it can not sustain itself afterwards. So take some time with your desert landscaping plan and make sure that you have done everything suited to the climate.

You could spend the money to get better irrigation put in but the money will be great and the time will be all consuming. It is much simpler for your desert landscaping plan to just include plants that will thrive even in the hot sun all day.

What makes using desert landscaping friendly plants so great is that not only will these plants do well even in the hot sun they will also be able to thrive in poor quality soil. This is a much needed quality because places that have so much sun tend to have poor soil as well. So in essence you are killing two birds with one stone as they say.

Here are some wonderful plants that you can use in your desert landscaping:

Longwood Blue bluebeard
This is a shrub, it is deciduous and it will grow back each and every spring. It will always come back healthy and happy and this makes it perfect for desert landscaping. It is not a tiny shrub, it will grow to be anywhere between 3 and 4 feet high with a width of about 2 feet. This is a lovely plant to use in your desert landscaping as it is not only beautiful with its pretty blue flower clusters and silver foliage, it is also very fragrant.

Autumn Joy
This is a wonderful perennial that you can plant for your desert landscaping. With this choice you will have great leaves in pretty whorls. These leaves can be any number of different colors and can be bought to go with any desert landscaping design. This plant is the ultimate for desert landscaping because it can grow in rock gardens with ease. This lovely desert landscaping plant also has a unique and interesting flower unlike any other I have ever seen. These small flowers grow in clusters and they can be a few different colors and shades. The most common are yellow, orange and red and pink. If you plant these in your garden you will have butterflies around all of the time and they make for lovely entertainment on their own.

A wonderful backyard landscaping idea

By Ahmed Hajouj.

A good backyard landscaping idea is one that everyone can make use of. There are many different backyard landscaping ideas and most of them are pretty good but to find the one that is right for you and that is just what your yard needs may take some reading. This article will help you to find the perfect backyard landscaping idea for your home.

A good backyard landscaping idea is to use evergreens. The use of these fabulous trees will do o much for any yard. They will add a stately nature to the feel of your home while keeping it welcoming and warm. Many people like to use deciduous trees in the yard and this is always a good idea but it is the evergreens that will give the yard the structure and the stability that it needs for a good backyard landscaping idea and design.

You need to look for a backyard landscaping idea like the one above that will benefit you all year round. Deciduous trees will not be gorgeous in all seasons, most perhaps, but not all. Evergreens on the other hand are always fantastic and they look as beautiful in the winter as they do in the summer and this is why they make for such a great backyard landscaping idea. The key to any great landscaping design is to find a backyard landscaping idea like this that will keep your yard interesting no matter what time of the year it is.

Another good backyard landscaping idea is to use hardscape. This is the use of things like rocks, fences and walls. These can make your yard look very interesting during all of the seasons. You can have climbing plants on it in the summer and spring and pretty trees around it that will look great in the winter. When looking for a good backyard landscaping idea you need to look for other options besides just plants. There is much more to landscaping than just plants and trees.

Walls and fences can frame your property beautifully and using them is such a great backyard landscaping idea because they will just accent all of your other wonderful backyard landscaping ideas. They will frame your yard as a picture frame frames a gorgeous painting. Look at this kind of backyard landscaping idea as well in your search for the one.

Gardening Plants

By Ahmed Hajouj.

When it comes to gardening plants, there are too many to name.  Gardening plants can refer to flowers, shrubs, herbs, vegetables, fruits, and many more.  There are also gardening plants that are in season at different times of the year, some in fall and winter, others in spring and summer. Whatever type of gardening you decide is your forte; there are plenty of gardening plants available to suit your preferences.

If you want gardening plants that you can actually use instead of just look at, vegetables, herbs, and fruits are all very satisfying.  Edible plants add an excitement to gardening because of the produce available at harvest time.  The main vegetables grown in smaller, home gardens as well as larger ones include corn, peas, cucumbers, potatoes, squash, peppers, onions, carrots, spinach, lettuce, and beets.  Popular fruits are pears, plums, tomatoes, blueberries, apricots, cherries, and strawberries.  Herbs are used for their wonderful fragrances, to spice up a salad, and in cooking.  Herbs that are often home grown include thyme, sage, dill, mint, lavender, and chives.

It is fairly easy to have a colorful garden in the spring and summer months, but it is a whole different ball-game during the cold, winter months.  Even though it is difficult, with planning and a little more care you can have a colorful garden year round.  One gardening plant that thrives in the fall and winter months is the Rudbeckia, a beautiful yellow perennial.  Others include the Christmas rose, the Japanese Anemone, and Cosmos.

When you think of flowers you automatically think of a spring garden full of many different, beautiful colors.  Spring and summer gardening plants are some of the prettiest things on earth and give inspiration to all who grow them.  Some of the most grown spring plants are tulips, daffodils, and violets.  Favorites of the warmer months of summer are lilies, dahlias, and roses.

When gardening, many people will opt for decorative grasses or shrubs.  Monkey grass is an all time favorite, especially for a sidewalk.  These will gardening plants can be for looks, can act as a border or fence, and can be used for privacy.  Shrubs are easy to take care of and add a defining look to any yard or garden.

There are so many different kinds of gardening plants available.  Many gardening plants actually have a purpose and can be used, whereas many of them are just for looks.  The kind of gardening plant you choose to have in your garden is completely up to you, but remember, no matter what kind it is, it will require some maintenance and without proper care you will end up with a garden full of just dirt.

Gardening Gloves

By Ahmed Hajouj.

One of the best things about gardening is felling warm, moist dirt in your bare hands, but you will often end up with blistered, chapped, and scraped skin.  The solution to this problem is gardening gloves.  The more time you spend getting down and dirty in the garden, the more you need gardening gloves.  Gardening gloves will be able to ease some of the pain you would otherwise be subject to, letting you spend even more time playing in the dirt.

There are hundreds of different types of gloves on the market, and the kind of gardening glove you buy depends on the way you garden.  Some gloves offer protection against specific substances or things, for example, leather gloves are not the best for working with chemicals or water.  Many gardening gloves are specialized for pruning thorns, refilling gasoline tanks, or using a chain saw, while others are for general tasks such as raking, digging, and weeding.

After choosing the type of gardening glove you need, you must make sure and pick out the perfect fit.  Gloves that are too big have a tendency to slip off while gloves that are too small could cause aches and cramps.  Any glove that doesn’t fit could defeat the whole purpose of wearing gloves and cause blistering.  To find a glove with the best fit possible, try the gloves on both hands, make a fist, and imitate the movements you make when gardening.  If there is no pinching or slipping and the glove is comfortable then you have found your match.

Gardening gloves can be bought in many places and are produced by many companies, causing them all to have a different quality and price.  Most gloves can be washed in cool water and then air dried.  There are many different types of gloves you can purchase to satisfy your varying needs, such as cotton and cotton-polyester for general-purpose chores.  These are among the most popular gloves and are perfect for light chores in cool and dry weather.  Leather gloves can also be used for general chores but are heavier than cotton and polyester.  Chemical resistant gloves will help protect your hands against oils, acids, herbicides, pesticides, and many other chemicals.  Grip enhancing gloves are designed with rubber dots for extra gripping power.  Cut and puncture resistant gloves are designed to offer extra protection against sharp edges

If you are the type person that only wears gloves as an optional luxury for various tasks, you should think seriously for using specialized gardening gloves for many of the activities you will be doing outside.  There is really no reason not to wear gardening gloves; they protect your hands from the elements and don’t ever cost all that much.

Other Factors in Garden Creation

By Ahmed Hajouj.

So now you've picked out what type of garden you will have, what the location will be, and what kind of fertilizer you need, now is the time to really get started in choosing your garden environment. First you'll want to choose what your garden barriers will be. What will separate your garden from the rest of the world? Next you'll want to choose the decorations and support for your plants. Often some kind of metal mesh is necessary to keep your plant standing up. You will also want to choose how much soil and fertilizer to buy, and how to arrange all the plants in your garden.

Choosing a border is actually a fairly important step in getting your garden started. It might not actually affect the well-being of the plants, but having a garden is a fairly aesthetic ordeal for many people anyways. So usually you will want to choose between metal and wood. You can stack up boards around the perimeter of your garden, and give it a rather nice cabin look. If you're looking for a more modern look, you can obtain some metal lining at your local home improvement store for rather cheap, and installation is medium difficulty.

Finding something nice-looking to support your plants can be a little bit more challenging. Sometimes a short metal pole can work well, but often for plants such as tomatoes you will need a wire mesh for it to pull itself up on. You can find these at any gardening store, usually
pre-shaped in a sort of cone shape ideal for plants. The plant just grows up through it, and usually it will last until the plant is grown enough to support itself. After that you can take a pair of wire-cutters and just snip it free.

Deciding how much soil to buy can be slightly easier. Look up information on your plants and find out the ideal soil depth. Then dig out that much from your garden, take the measurements, and find out the exact amount of cubic feet of soil that you will need. Go to the store and buy it,
preferably adding on a few bags just so you can replenish the supply if it compresses or runs out. If you live in an area where the ground is rough, dry, and barren of nutrients, then you might even want to add a few inches of depth to the original recommendation.

Arranging the plants is rather important to the success of your garden. I'm not talking about some kind of feng-shui thing, but depending on your watering, some plants might hog all the water and leave the other plants high and dry. Some plants have longer roots than others, and are more aggressive in the collection of water. If you place one of these plants next to a plant with weaker, shorter roots, it will quickly hijack the water supply for itself, and choke out the other plant.

I hope I've led you to realize that placement isn't the only important thing about a garden. There are many other factors that might not seem very significant, but spending a proper amount of time considering them could change the outcome of your garden. So if you're working on building a garden, use and reference you can (the library, the internet, and magazines) to look in to some of the factors I've mentioned.

Greenhouses On The Move

By Ahmed Hajouj.

Greenhouses are becoming more and more popular to those people with “green thumb.” Even home gardeners are considering having one for their garden for the benefits that it gives. Since full-sized, regular greenhouses can really be expensive and costly to maintain, it may be impractical for these small home gardeners to build one. 

But do not fret! It is because there are new portable and mini greenhouses now available for one to purchase and conveniently place in their gardens. These portable greenhouses are ideal for those who want to start their growing season early in the spring and extend it during the fall. These are also best for overwintering crops and are inexpensive too. 

Because these greenhouses are portable, they are light in weight and compact for easy setup, taking down and transporting. Most of these portable greenhouse kits can be set up in 30 minutes or even less. And because they are compact, they can easily be stored in any convenient place in the garage or closet when it is not yet time to use them.

What portable greenhouses do?
Portable greenhouses, just like the traditional ones, trap heat coming from the sun during the day through its covering and keep the heat radiated by the soil during the night to keep the surroundings warm enough for the plants. When a portable greenhouse is closed, it also traps in moisture which helps reduce the frequency of watering the plants inside.

A portable greenhouse is ideal for early planting of seeds, protecting the tender plants from the cold climate, starting perennial seeds in summer, fast rooting because of the need to transplant, and growing different kinds of plants that are not commonly grown in the area. This can also be used to overwinter plants especially when heated.

Portable greenhouses becoming popular
Gardeners are being continuously interested in these portable greenhouses and increase in sales of these products is evident. For one, these portables take no time to set up to get them going right away. Taking them down when it is not time to use them is also hassle-free. A greenhouse is not really needed to be up all year round especially for small-time plant growers. Thus, mini and portable greenhouses are ideal for their needs. 

For first timers, portable greenhouse is also recommended since this will give them the feel of having a real greenhouse before they consider building a real, full-sized one. And these portables are also inexpensive and less costly to maintain. This allows for them to jump-start their gardening career without having to spend a lot of money to buy all those greenhouse supplies that are required for the big ones. Also, installation is significantly quicker and easier than permanent ones so no additional or advanced tools are required.

These portable greenhouses come in different shapes and sizes. It can be as little as a small tent that fits only 2 plant shelves. There are some that look like portable closets that are around 6 feet tall. And there are also bigger ones as tall as 7 to 8 feet and are designed like a dome. These big ones can fit up to 3 to 4 bigger shelves inside.

Gardening Tips
Weather can really be unpredictable. So when a sudden cold snap occurs, burlap sacks filled with leaves can be thrown over the sash on the frame or covering during the night to prevent too much cold to get inside. Bales of straw or hay may also be stacked against the frame.

For extreme summer sunlight protection, some sort of shading can be used to prevent plant damage. Examples of covering that can be used as a shade are knitted shade covers, old bamboo blinds, and lath.

Plants inside the greenhouse should also be watered as early in the day as possible. This is to allow for quick drying of the soil before it gets dark. Improperly managed drainage and keeping the soil wet can pose problems later on and may not be a good gardening experience for beginners.

Whether you are a novice or is already an experienced gardener, having a portable greenhouse may be beneficial to your gardening needs. Being able to transport your greenhouse in a convenient and more strategic location is always possible with this portable version. Maintaining and taking proper care for this portable greenhouse is also not as costly and demanding than the permanent, full-sized ones.

The Purposes of Hydroponics Greenhouses

By Ahmed Hajouj.

Hydroponic greenhouses provide an inorganic method of raising plants. Most plants that are hydroponically raised must be treated with proper care in controlled conditions. The use of gravel is common on this kind of greenhouses where the gravel supports the roots of the plants because no soil is used in raising the plants. It also balances the assorted nutrients that feed the plants in the form of liquid. 

Those large commercially oriented greenhouse have automated ways to refine and propagate seeds. All the things needed to grow the seeds are all set with automated care and maintenance. There are sensitive sensors on the gravel that automatically turns on the pumps that contains water or other chemical solutions that are applied on the seeds.

Using hydroponic greenhouses gives a gardener the advantage of increasing the crop amount yielded in a single harvest. In normal agriculture, he may only produce the regular crop harvest. He may double or triple the crop production by applying the methods in hydroponic gardening. It should create big success in his greenhouse by using chemical fertilizers rather than the usual potting soil or organic fertilizers. 

Steve Fox of New Mexico proposes that greenhouse gardeners should increase the production of yielded crop by extensively practicing the use of inorganic chemical fertilizers. He may also avoid poisoning the soil from organic chemical fertilizers that kills the living microorganisms that are essential in the natural growth of the plants. He says that these chemicals should be used only on controlled conditions by special hydroponic greenhouses where the destruction of the gravel beds will be avoided which are important in the for the root support of the hydroponically raised plants. 

A person may wonder how the food he eats comes from hydroponic greenhouses knowing that this method used chemical inorganic fertilizer. This could bother a person’s mindset on the food that he eats. Many nutritionists have proven that these vegetables or fruits that came from hydroponic greenhouses are safe and nutritious because plants only absorb the fertilizer in an organic state. 

Daniel Arnon, a physiologist professor from the University of California have stated that the plant nutrients acquired from organic composts are applied to plants when they are converted into inorganic state because of the role of the microorganisms to fertilize the soil.  Many food scientists have studied and proved that all fertilizer elements should be converted first into soluble form before the roots of the plant use it. 

The widely used chemical fertilizers have oriented many greenhouses to feed the crops and not the soil. This may result to the death of the soil because of the break down of the organic composition. When it comes to fertilizing the soil, it is important to remember the proper organic steps to feed the soil so that it will produce sufficient inorganic fertilizer needed to produce more nutrients in it. This points out that organic gardening may not necessarily produce the needed nutrients, where in organic fertilizer must be formed first to supply the nutrients in the organic form.  

When a person applies raw chemical fertilizers on the soil, he may affect the soil condition. Microorganisms that may have been living in the soil would surely die because of these artificial fertilizers. The soil can no longer grow any plants unless the continuous use of chemical fertilizers is applied. 

Hydroponic gardening may not need the services of the soil. The plants are fed through exact nutrient dosages to increase their production and for faster growth. Business minded persons are interested on this kind of method. On the other hand, the world today cannot anymore accommodate the growing demand for food because of the unstoppable growth of the world’s population that is why chemicals are now widely used on many crops to satisfy with the increasing demand for food supply. 

Many experts realize that the use of chemical solutions in crops is bad for the environment. Most of these chemical solutions are made from petroleum products that should give a person the conclusion that these products are pollutants. However, the present times dictate the need to accept this reality because of the need to supply the farmers with the needed chemical solutions to produce and harvest more crops to sustain the production of food.

Harvesting From the Water

By Ahmed Hajouj.

Conventional farming makes people plant crops over a field of land, give it water to help it grow then harvest it when the time comes. This was practiced for many years until the demand for food increased which made scientists rely on other techniques to increase production.

Such practices made the use of pesticides and herbicides, fertilizers, contaminated sewage sludge and irradiation. Since these methods are harmful to the health, people have gone back to organic farming that does not use any of these methods.

Technology has found another way to increase crop production without jeopardizing the health of people and the environment. This can be done by hydroponics farming.

Plants need water to survive but this is only one ingredient. The other and most important are the nutrients. Scientists have discovered that it is only when this is diffused into the water system that the roots of the crops consume it making it grow. 

By doing this in a controlled environment such as a greenhouse, the nutrients can already be mixed into the water system allowing the crops produce more yields which is what hydroponics gardening is all about.

To prove how effective it is, scientists made a comparative study on the growth of tomatoes. One batch used soil and was able to produce ten tons.  The other batch used hydroponics and was able to produce 60 tons. This shows that this method can produce 6 times more than traditional farming.  

Almost any type of plant that is grown using this manner will product high yields. Though some crops will be able to produce more than others, the length of time to harvest it is still faster than the old method which gives a faster turn around for farmers.

The farmer does not have to check and pull out weeds, till the land or look for diseases that normally happen during soil cultivation since there are none. Some people might think that this will consume a lot of water but it doesn’t since it is reused which also consumers less than traditional farming.

The problem with a controlled environment is that the plants may not be able to get the proper sunlight and carbon dioxide that to help it grow. This problem can be addressed by installing lights and infusing artificial CO2 into the air. 

There are other ways to cultivate crops while inside a green house. One method is called deep water culture. The roots of the plants are raised in the air and a pump releases air out to make it grow. This is ideal for grapes and other crops that grow in this manner.

Another method very similar to deep water culture is aeroponics. The plants are also raised in the air and nutrients here are mixed in the form fog or mist which also reaches the crops so it could grow. 

In flood and drain, a tray is used to hold the nutrients. The roots of the plants are held by foam chips or clay pebbles then at certain times of the day, this is flooded so that the plants are able to receive the proper requirements for it to grow. Afterwards, this drains itself out.  

Plants can also be grown using films. This technique is called nutrient film technique where light proof plastic is used. This flow along the passage way giving the crops the essentials it needs to grow. 

There are many techniques to employ hydroponics in the farm or in the household. The person just has to check what is needed and to think about what plants to grow. 

One of the nicest things about hydroponics gardening is that it does not take a lot of space. This allows the person to set up a greenhouse in the backyard. The only things needed are water in containers, tubes to reuse the water consumed by the plants, strong lamps to be used as artificial light and some organic nutrients that are available at the gardening store.

Hydroponics has been around for almost 30 years. By getting some information and the proper materials, the person can soon plant vegetables and fruits instead of buying it at the local grocery or supermarket.

Planning a Greenhouse for Free

By Ahmed Hajouj.

Many people are growing more and more enthusiastic about getting themselves a greenhouse. Greenhouses are very practical to have nowadays especially when the prices of crops in the market are becoming more and more expensive. 

In building greenhouses, one has several options to choose from. One can actually hire a professional greenhouse expert to guide him throughout the whole process of building his greenhouse. From the creation of plans to the actual creation of the greenhouse, one can use the services of a professional. However, this approach will entail a lot of costs. The professional fees will definitely take its toll in the pockets of the greenhouse enthusiast. Another way to do it is to buy resources about building greenhouses. There are many resources out there that contain greenhouse plans and other tips which can be used in building a greenhouse. However, there are sources which give free plans and tips which can be very useful, especially for greenhouse enthusiasts who are just beginning.

There are several parts of a greenhouse which need careful consideration and planning. These are:

1) Base
The base is made from sawn timber. This kind of timber can easily be availed from local timber merchants. This timber is more commonly found in fences. The base for our plan is measured at 2400 mm by 3000 mm.

2) Side walls
The side walls should be built from 75 by 50 tanalised sawn timber. They usually come in 4800 mm.

When the base is established on a flat ground, the two side walls should be built. The two side walls should be put upright and temporarily in place on top of the base. They are to be attached to the base using galvanized nails.

3) Roof frame

The roof frame should also be built using the 75 by 50 tanalised sawn timber. The roof frames should be placed above the side walls. A roof frame should be placed at each end of the side walls. They are also to be attached using galvanized nails.

4) Windows

The windows should be made of 50 by 50  sawn tanalised timber. Some people would want a couple of windows for their greenhouses. The windows should be hinged so as to allow regulation of temperature.

5) Covering

The greenhouse covering should be made up of polythene which is resistant to ultra-violet rays. The covering is to be placed using thin battens which will hold the polythene to the greenhouse. The battens are to be nailed to the greenhouse studs and roof rafters.
One must be cautious about the kind of polythene which he will avail from the hardware store since most of the suppliers only have polythene which is not ultra-violet-resistant. 

There are other things to consider when building greenhouses. Here are some of them:

- One should check the local building regulations before engaging into greenhouse construction. If in any case that there are restrictions regarding deeds, one should look at the requirements regarding set backs and regulations about easement. Hoop houses are greenhouses which are made from frames which can be easily disassembled. These kinds of greenhouses are not considered as permanent structures and therefore exempt from the regulations concerning such structures.

-One should make a layout of the whole yard and the house before he constructs a greenhouse. A greenhouse would often times become the centerpiece of a garden or a yard and it is much recommended that people plan before putting a single nail into it.

-Time management and budgeting are two important things to constantly consider in building a greenhouse. One should allot around eight to twenty thousand US dollars if he is serious about constructing a quality greenhouse. However, there are greenhouse kits that are available out there that are not as expensive. One should know what to spend and how to spend it. The time table in constructing a greenhouse should be set according to the plans of the owner. Greenhouses can be built in a couple of days to a couple of years. It all depends on the owner.

One may find many free greenhouse construction plans in the Internet. All one needs to know is the know-how’s of search engines. These free plans come with good tips and wonderful illustrations to guide one in constructing a greenhouse for his plants.